Training recap: 9/15-9/21

#running  #training 

Okay, so last week didn’t exactly go how I would have liked for it to. It was actually an incredibly busy week and my running really suffered. :-/

My Wednesday run was shorter than planned and felt awful thanks to staying late at work for an Out in Tech panel about how social media is helping LGBT youth. There was beer and pizza, so, naturally, I had some. I spent most of my run feeling indigesty and crampy. Not good. Thursday’s run was canceled thanks to my manager having us all over to his place for poker, games, drinks, and dinner. It was a great time, but I didn’t get home until around 1 am. Ideally, I would have made up the run on Friday night, but I ended up meeting some of my former coworkers for dinner and drinks. Oh well!

My manager's home computer setup is absolutely nuts and this is coming from a pretty big gadget nerd.

My manager's home computer setup is absolutely nuts and this is coming from a pretty big gadget nerd.

Saturday was planned to be ten miles, but things got a little hectic. I had to get up super early (5am) to take the wife to the airport, then I had to wait for someone to come by to take some stuff I was selling on Craigstlist. After that, I was so tired from two nights of only five hours of sleep that I crawled back into bed and said “fuck it.” It didn’t help much either that I had to get ready for a bachelorette party that started at noon so I wouldn’t have even been able to fit in more than four miles anyway by that point.

I’d never been to a bachelorette party before. I’d been to one bachelor party and had my own bachelor party (which…feels weird calling it that), but that’s it. It was a ton of fun though! Even though part of the night was karaoke which I hate and refuse to actually take part in (actually, I took a nap on the couch while others were singing!), I really, really enjoyed the night.

Anyway, after being out until 3am on Saturday night, I was surprised I ran at all on Sunday, let alone had a solid eight miles. Go figure!

So I ended up only running three days and 17 miles last week, but there just wasn’t time for much more than that. This week should be a little better, but I think next week will suck. We’ll see!

She wanted a nautical theme so we all had sailor hats! We looked ridiculous and it was awesome!

She wanted a nautical theme so we all had sailor hats! We looked ridiculous and it was awesome!



Yeah, NO WAY I was going to do this. Figures I got this one, right? I've spent enough of my life in the men's room, no need to go back.

Yeah, NO WAY I was going to do this. Figures I got this one, right? I've spent enough of my life in the men's room, no need to go back.

The beautiful view from the rooftop bar where we ended the night

The beautiful view from the rooftop bar where we ended the night